Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.


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More a less a (new) normal day, 
It started off with me continuing in the garden.  In my head I can hear some of you saying… “it never stops” so hence I am using the word “continuing”.  I donated plasma yesterday, so taking it slower than normal as well.  My garden is coming together nicely, and following on from the post I did on Wednesday, again, I have a vision and in reality it is getting close.   
Please don’t confuse the words garden and gardening…  Gardening feels like you are actively planting things like vegetables or have fruit trees or nice flowers to show off all year round.  <– This is not for me at all.  When I say I am in the garden it is merely to keep things nice and tidy, the weeds under control and preventing the hedges from turning into forests.  By the end of the day I ended up with enough garden refuse to make a trip to the refuse station, taking the funky recycling (like my empty camping gas canisters) and other items I am donating to the EcoShop with.  I removed a piece of fence in preparation for more painting… to come hopefully.
The volunteering I plan to do at the SPCA is also taking shape nicely.  They seem to be remarkably well organised and I completed the first online induction forms, health and safety briefing & questionnaires. I made some calls regarding my international flights and did some meditation work on my own too.  Pretty normal right?    
43.5323 – 172.5567
3 May 2024

4 responses to “Friday.”

    • Yes Clint, what exactly is normal, especially in these times which we are living in where everything seems extreme. I honestly don’t know how I managed to work 8-10 hours a day and still got things done. Even this blog is trailing behind.