Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

Fwd: This beginning – Hello World

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Hello and welcome everyone, 
I can remember so many times in the past, the first few lines of code I put together while learning a new programming language: “Hello World”.  Exciting stuff and I guess this is it for me and  My first (official) post on my first blog site and here it is.
It was a significant learning curve to understand and use WordPress correctly, but what a powerful tool it turned out to be in today’s world where just about everything is online.  I nearly gave up this idea a couple of times while trying to put this simple site together, but persistence is key. (<-As well as help and motivation from friends and family.  Thanks)
I am sure this looks easy to most of you, but I am proud of what is available here to interact with compared to the original idea in my head, and I think I gained a new skill in the process too.  I am still working small things out, tweaking the design here and there and waiting for the logo to be finalised, but it should be live in the next couple of days.
Thank you to Lucille, who suggested I should keep a 5-year diary and this is what that idea ended up looking like, so hopefully I will try to create a post, everyday, for the next 5 years – to look back on in the future.  The Hamster (<- Yes, this is a fictional character living in my head that spins the cage and pulls the levers.) laughed at me when I presented the idea of a blog site, but I managed to persuade him.  If you would have told me five years ago that I would create my own blog site I would have called you crazy… but here it is.  
I called this post “This beginning” because it feels like this is just another new beginning in my life, a new chapter, a beginning of a new experience and a beginning of a new adventure.  Who knows where “this” will end.
The scribbles below the line are just to assist the search engine.
43.5323 – 172.5567
12 January 2024

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