Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

I am here, or at least I think I am…

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Welcome to the new year, 2025, 
I had some idea of what I was doing when I designed the logo for more than a year ago.  The line is sort of a representation of my life over the last couple of years and the hope was that I would at some point in time hit the straight.  Escape from the ball of twine, or the web of chaos and make it to a new section.  A new more balanced, stable section with some general direction.  Well… I said in the past that I like a good “You are here” poster so… I am here, or at least I think I am…  
After writing the list yesterday of everything I accomplished in 2024 I recognised that it was indeed no holiday, but actually hard work.  Perhaps many of you see only the happenings on the surface but down below there were many moving parts and unknown territories, especially in connection to my mental state.  I needed to take a moment and congratulate myself just a little because here I am.  Standing in the proverbial white room of my life on (what feels like) a completely blank canvas.  Apart from relationships with friends and family I feel like I have absolutely no attachments and is disconnected of sorts.  Unplugged from the world and its news, old employment and the stresses associated with it and my home here in Christchurch.  From now on I can do anything, or be anyone, or go anywhere my imagination will take me or my heart desires.  (<-And this feels pretty special and daunting at the same time to be honest)  I also recognise how privileged I am and will remain in a state of gratitude about what I have actually achieved here.  Simply wonderful to be me and hopefully I can look back at this moment in the future with no feelings of regret.  Now it is time to grab some stationary, brushes and paint before getting busy… busy living.  (<-You deserve this Phil).
I have been thinking about it a lot and have decided to make some new year’s resolutions (or maybe I should call them goals) for 2025.  I think I still need some goals for 2025 to be honest but there will be enough room for the unknown.  I still want to grant the universe opportunity to do its thing, work its magic and use me in whatever bigger plan it has.  Some goals have to do with my health (physical and mental) while others sets standards for my new employment.  I also have a relationship goal in there and most certainly a savings one too… in case I need to take another year long sabbatical. LOL  I wish everyone else reading this an awesome and prosperous new 2025 ahead, trusting that this will be a good one for all of us.  Happy new year!  
43.5323 – 172.5567 
1 January 2025

4 responses to “I am here, or at least I think I am…”

  1. “Now it is time to grab some stationary, brushes and paint before getting busy… busy living. (<-You deserve this Phil)"
    A new year a new blank canvas ..Indeed!

    Wishing You only the best of the bestest for 2025! "-)

  2. I for one will be there to support you as the picture on the canvas develops but also give you the space you need.
    Reach out and I will be there even if it’s on a mobility aid in my dotage.

    • Thanks Cliff. You are an awesome friend to have.
      Who know, I might be sitting next to you in your dotage… LOL (No mobility aid needed.)