Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

I can solve this thing!

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A bit of a “mixed bag” today, 
I have a feeling the car is going to take long (or at least longer than I have hoped) and to avoid further disappointment I am going to have to put it out of my head, move away and get on with other things.  So… looking around here I am making a little list of outstanding projects that needs finishing.  
For a start, the “Painting my fence” project is not complete.  I stopped on the 8th of March and started the preparations again today to continue and finish it.  I still have a little way to go, but should use the long days to get it done.  I need to request time from my friend the Warrant Officer as well… he is still in the on his international trip.  It has almost been a year since I started that project.  Then I decided to fix up grandma’s porch bench.  I neglected varnishing the wood for a while and will have to get out the power tools to save / refurbish it.  I also want to fix and restore the concrete bird bath and bird feeder here in my garden.  They came with the purchase of my home and needed attention from the start.  I just need to get ON with things here… I have plenty to do and no excuses.  I cannot say that I do not have the time, right?
Then I also learned to solve this thing… a Rubik’s cube.  To cut a long story short, I always wanted to be able to do it and I had a moment on the TA trail where I thought I should learn.  (<-A kid made me feel like a loser)  So… a couple of days ago I purchased my first cube on an after Christmas sale and decided to learn.  At first I tried the library for a book but in the end looked online and watched a lot of YouTube video’s before finding the right channel.  Whoop whoop.  I just learned to solve it using one of the many “easy” methods (<-about 7 moves you need to learn).  It is not fast or elegant, but I can fix it in about 8 to 10min… reliably using only hamster power.  It is a great toy as I continue to solve it and learn more about where things move when you make a single move.  It is actually fun to do and a little intriguing.  
43.5323 – 172.5567 
9 January 2025

2 responses to “I can solve this thing!”

  1. All you can do is be patient with your Lady (car) ‘-)

    Gosh – plenty to do indeed!!

    Ah the famous Rubik’s cube – I often play with mine – I have managed to get 4 sides ..
    Good on the Hamster! – Perhaps you can share your video channel – LOL

    • Keeping busy to ensure the Hamster does not stray.
      About the cube, will send you link. It is not difficult, you just have to keep playing.