Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

I went to go visit the car.

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Yes, I am missing her and she is all alone, 
The car is clear of everything customs and government related… yay, great news.  She was moved and is now in “private” hands with a compliance company here in town… so I went to go visit her today and drop off some paperwork.  She is looking great and I started her up to make sure everything is in working order.  Wow, lots of memories there and starting her will always remain pretty special.  
The guys (and actually a girl too) had lots of questions and I needed to correct a few assumptions that they, incorrectly, made already.  There are questions surrounding the VIN and I get the feeling that this is not going to be a quick process.  Ugh… Disappointment…  Them already asking questions that I do not have answers too.  I am a little worried and really would like this process to be completed quickly.  If all else fails, and there are expensive things to repair or fix according to the inspector I will just bring here home to stand in the garage for now.  Then I can formulate another plan in good time and make sure I have the funds to support it.  Trust in the universe is key here, but I am not sure if my faith is that strong.  Seems I am again (or maybe still) in uncharted territory.
In other news, the introductory interview went well this morning.  The 30min interview ran over a little, and I think that is a good sign.  Seems like a nice person on the other end and what he described (about the job and the company) was similar to what I was expecting.  Lets see… I hope I get a callback next week.  
43.5323 – 172.5567 
8 January 2025

4 responses to “I went to go visit the car.”

  1. I’m trusting the Universe on shedding Her Rainbow Colours on your car!
    Glad you went to visit her – she needed that attention ‘-)
    Starting her will most definitely remain special with lots of memories –
    I rem·in·isced now about that day – when she was finally started up for the first time and that sound – it was surely a moment in time – which even had me teary eyed “-)

    Happy that your interview went well – I believe you will get a callback “-)

  2. If you have come so far as to have had a positive ‘interview’ you are fast approaching the end of this leg of your journey. Seems like two streams of time are coming together here. The end of your journey to get the car in New Zealand, and almost the end of your Sabbatical. I believe that this is a very exciting time for you.

    • Dankie Johan. Jip, dit is onbekende terrein, maar iets om ook oor opgewonde te wees. Dit was ‘n awesome tyd gewees, maar ‘n “verwisseling van baan” sou altyd kom. Nou is dit hier.