Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

Just a busy Friday.

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And a special anniversary of my blog – post 365, 
I started my day in force in the garden (<-mostly close to the gamma quadrant).  In between all the funky weather I just have to spend time in MY garden everyday from now on.  No excuses and no time to waste.  I cleared / cleaned some more sections and put fresh bark down for the year in a couple of places.  With the fresh bark came the black birds too, so inevitably I had to spent time on putting down more netting as well.  I can feel the hatred when I hear them fly past.  BUT… the netting seems to be working and they still have lots of other places in my garden to do there thing and have a “ball”.  
I also fixed the petrol pump and its stand to some offcut timber after making a trip to the hardware store.  I want the thing to be accessible with the ability to open when I work on it, but also stable in the wind and drain the water when it rains.  I do not have space for it inside at the moment, so this is second best.  I got the timber for a steal at the hardware store after spotting a pile of offcuts that they clearly wanted to get rid of.  Yay me.
Spent the evening with some friends at the local hot pools here in Christchurch, next to the beach.  I have never been to this place before so it was great to go and have a look-see.  C & C picked a great weather night to suggest and book it for us and I had a great time with good company.  While in the pools, I had time to think back, back on a complete year of posting on my blog everyday.  Yes, this is post number FP-365 and I have completed the first year of my journey.  Strange to think, just a year ago… Fwd: This beginning – Hello World.  Reading through that post today brought back so many memories… wow, what adventure laid ahead.  I wrote in that first post:
I called this post “This beginning” because it feels like this is just another new beginning in my life, a new chapter, a beginning of a new experience and a beginning of a new adventure.  Who knows where “this” will end.”
And it is good to “check in” on it… who knows where “this” will end.  I wanted this blog to capture my memories and it surely serves the purpose.  Thanks to everyone for the support through the year and a special thanks to all of you that still tune in regularly.  
43.5323 – 172.5567 
10 January 2025

4 responses to “Just a busy Friday.”

  1. Ah ya – I will say again – overly excited about the Fuel Pump project – seem to be starting off great – even if it is just the Timber – Yay for You!

  2. You can’t feel “hatred” towards the Tweety Birds ‘ LOL
    Gardening is good for the soul ..

    The hot pools sounds nice- pity no photo ‘-)
    Glad you had a fun time ..

    Well “Hello World” – and year we are a year later – SJOE! – reallly really does not feel like a year!
    We have all shared these memories with You – it’s been really special!
    And now there is another beginning! “-)