Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

Keeping track of all my data.

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Looking to print some photo’s for my “Map Wall”, 
I need to look through some photographs to print and put up on my “Map Wall” at home.  The ideas behind putting up two giant maps of NZ north and south island on my living room wall were to: 1. Show all the places I have been to and 2. Remind myself of what I did there, the experience and the people I shared it with.  Step one was easy, and I got pins in the wall to show all the places I have been, but step two is a little more time consuming.  I have so much data, and it is spread over so many devices and on so many different types of media.  I realised I have 2 computers, 4 mobile phones and a media server at home without mentioning the external drives, online cloud accounts, email storage and social media accounts. 
So a plan was needed…  I purchased a network attached storage device (NAS) a year or two ago to try and address this problem, but the excuse was that I never had time to set it up properly and sort through and copy everything onto it.  Now is the time.  First of all, I finished the setup, checked everything and made sure I was happy with the setup and that everything was working correctly.  Secondly, I am getting out all the old hard drives, USB drives, SD Cards and looking through all of them, deleting what is no longer relevant and copying the data I want to keep onto my NAS.  I am also listing and renaming things that I can find them again.
This will be an ongoing task for the next couple of weeks, if not months… but I don’t have any excuses not to get it done.  Unfortunately, it includes going through ALL the data I have… lots of memories, very old memories and not always my memories…  Lots to think about.    
43.5323 – 172.5567
23 April 2024

4 responses to “Keeping track of all my data.”

  1. This comment of yours!
    Made me realize that I also need to sort stuff, but just the thought of having to do that.. tires my brain.. Hehe

    “I have so much data, and it is spread over so many devices and on so many different types of media. I realised I have 2 computers, 4 mobile phones and a media server at home without mentioning the external drives, online cloud accounts, email storage and social media accounts”

    Looking forward to seeing your Map progress

    To last a lifetime..

    Love die pic van Jou en T..
    ook maar nog baie jonk.. as we all were “-)

    • Good luck with your data, it is a BIG job. I will update the map and post a picture when I can.
      Jip, ons was almal jonk gewees. 😉

  2. Thankfully in between all of this you’re also taking care of your biggest and irreplaceable data storage device with meditation and just doing stuff you enjoy. That’s a beautiful photo.