Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

Make it a “B” day to Downes Hut – Day 75.

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An unexpectedly Beautiful, Brilliant, Breathtaking and Big day, 
Again, (<-or that is what it feels like) tenting while it was raining a lot last night, but I am clearly getting use to it, and/or maybe I was very tired. Bottom line was that it felt like I got a good night’s rest… but I could have done with more I think. It was still raining when I got up, but I had a feeling that it was getting lighter and hoping that it might stop all together. I got everything ready and checked the conflicting weather forecasts while having breakfast. Hmmm, should I stay or should I go?
Well, one of the forecast models suggested that it might actually stop raining and be an okay day, so I focused my energy on that on, broke up camp and took my barrels down to the river to get ready. Betty took good care of the boat last night, but I had to bail out all the rain water this morning, before “we” could go.
The day on the water started with some rain drops here and there but as long as the wind remained calm, I was happy. Wow, what a surprise of a day, turning into this spectacularly beautiful day on the water with absolutely no wind at times. Apart from the occasional rapid here and there, it was mostly rowing in calm conditions. I couldn’t stop taking photographs and then realised that I could take a video or two using my phone, to try and catch the serenity of the day, the conditions and the river. I uploaded them to my YouTube channel here: Canoeing – Whanganui River – 20 December 2024 and here: Canoeing – Whanganui River – 20 December 2024 (2). The rain did not do much to the river level, but it was amazing to see all the side streams and waterfalls delivering their previous offering to the great Whanganui River.
This was by far the best day on the river… maybe because I was totally alone and could just fall into an nice rowing rhythm. Just shows me again, to trust my gut, know when to call it a day and when to push on. I am so glad I did push on today, an absolutely spectacular day.
Sleeping in Downes Hut tonight… hopefully, because I didn’t book it actually. My original plan was to stay at the Flying Fox Lodge but they had a sign up that says they were closed. So I made good use of the weather and pushed on [total of 38km] today to Downes Hut. It actually helps my accommodation conundrum for tomorrow a little too, so let’s see.  
39.7264 – 175.1316 
20 December 2024

4 responses to “Make it a “B” day to Downes Hut – Day 75.”

  1. On various devices, one of the sound tracks to assist with sleep is falling rain, so maybe that’s why you slept so well.

  2. Oh Wowee Phil..

    Weathewise and all..
    Serenity is the absolute word of the Day!!!!
    Mouth drop – photos e videos!

    A previous moment in time!!

    Than You again Betty “-)

    • It was a great day… and just like that the track “awards” you with a stunner for all your work. You have to “invest” lots of others days to get this one in return. LOL…

      Yes, Betty is still there.