Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

Massey & Palmerston North – Day 66.

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Heading in, to “the big smoke” lol, 
Well, I got the sense that the BIG mountains were at least behind me and that the trail was going to be a little easier during the next week or so. I guess we shall see, but today was 21km-ish into Palmerston North where I had booked accommodation to look forward to.  
After a fairly reasonable night tenting almost on my own, I was up and on my way.  The Haaikie could smell the “vitamin C’s” in town so there was no holding back.  He threw everything on the fire down there and told the Hamster to go for it… which he did.  Hitting some kind of rhythm, the kilometers were speeding by as I used the cool morning conditions to my advantage.
A little bit of a mixed bag, sealed and unsealed roads, bike track and green corridor walking trail… there were everything in the mix.  I have to give it to the Palmerston North City Council, they really did some nice work keeping the TA trail off the main roads and walkers out of danger.  Sure it feel like a duck and dive, weaving through country and town bits, but away from traffic. 
Soon the cellular coverage was back and I started walking through Massey University campus.  Wow, impressive to say the least, and so much agriculture research. This place is larger and way more impressive than I expected.
From here onwards the trail markers change a little… less orange arrows and more discrete pointy things with a TA Trail logo. It feels like a very long Geocache hunt… going on and on.  LOL, and always fun to see a good “You are here” sign… in case you where wondering, and the cows helping to point out that you are in fact on “Dairy Farm Road”.
40.3715 – 175.6084 
10 December 2024

4 responses to “Massey & Palmerston North – Day 66.”

    • Vitamin C is a list of things with Coke certainly on the list. It also includes: Cake, Cookies, Chockies, Chippies, Confectionery, Cream(Iced) and Chees.
      😉 Now you know.

  1. 21km-ish – ish ish ‘-) – but from what I read – it went pretty well ‘-)

    Haaikie .. hou uit ..amper daar!

    Massey University campus – a glimpse of what you probably saw of the impressiveness ..

    LOL on the you are here sign with the cows helping out and ensuring you where you are ..
    Some absolutely gorgeous views WOW

    • You have to appreciate good “You are here” signs… and this one is pretty well up there. The active livestock brings a certain sense of reality to it. LOL.