Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

Meditation Retreat – Day 2.

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Stepping away from everything while I am at the retreat,
Apologies for not having any new blog post entry today.  I am at my week long meditation retreat in Denver and stepping away from the world for a bit.  Selfishly all the focus is on me, inner me and I don’t want any distractions.  I will catch up with all of you again on or after the 26th of July.  Check out Meditation Retreat – Day 1 for more.

Notes to myself, afterwards…  I am not so sure what I expected, or maybe I did expect something, but what I experienced today was nothing like it unfortunately.  We started the morning at 6am with our first meditation, “blessing of the energy centres”.  I am familiar with this meditation, and although it is not my best one, I struggled today to obtain any focus.  Perhaps it is the room, or the amount of other people (almost 2000) or maybe all the noise, or the fact that the chairs are really close together.  I don’t want to make excuses, but it seemed disastrous.  It tried to not lose hope, taking time to figure out exactly what was bothering me, making changes throughout the next presentation and meditation slot, but it was difficult sensing the “space” without having space.  During the last meditation of the day, I almost had a breakdown and walked out.  The sound was just so loud and intimidating that I believe it was actually counter productive to my wellbeing.  I met with some of the organisers afterwards, to ask if there was any alternatives, but there weren’t any real options for me.  Space is limited and I don’t expect them to change the audio on my behalf.  To be honest, I am going to bed tonight considering pulling the plug on the whole thing.  I think a week of lying next to the pool in the sun will be better for my soul than sitting through the conference.  Hmmmm…
-39.8175 – -104.7509 
21 July 2024