Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

Meditation Retreat – Day 3.

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Stepping away from everything while I am at the retreat,
Apologies for not having any new blog post entry today.  I am at my week long meditation retreat in Denver and stepping away from the world for a bit.  Selfishly all the focus is on me, inner me and I don’t want any distractions.  I will catch up with all of you again on or after the 26th of July.  Check out Meditation Retreat – Day 1 for more.

Notes to myself, afterwards…  I was up early this morning, getting to the ballroom 15min before the doors open.  The idea was that I would try to pick a better seat in my allocated area, in attempt to dodge being directly in front of the speakers and perhaps closer to the end of the aisle to have a little more room.  I spent a lot of time during the night changing my mood, shifting my state of being.  I am committed to this whole thing, so I have to try and keep on trying.  Well, I am happy to report that I found a much better spot in the ballroom today and I also used my noise cancelling headphones during the meditations to reduce the instruction volume and drown out noise from other people.  I also moved from my chair onto the floor during meditations, but I think the aspect that made the biggest difference today were the people around me.  I met some truly AWESOME people today and I believe their positive energy around me made the real difference.  I thoroughly enjoyed my first and second meditation and would like to particularly thank Skylar for her support.  We instantly seemed to get along with each other and I managed to have great in- and post meditation experiences thanks to her motivation.  Finished the third and final meditation around 6:30pm and I am tired, going directly to bed.
-39.8175 – -104.7509 
22 July 2024