Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

Meditation Retreat – Day 4.

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Stepping away from everything while I am at the retreat,
Apologies for not having any new blog post entry today.  I am at my week long meditation retreat in Denver and stepping away from the world for a bit.  Selfishly all the focus is on me, inner me and I don’t want any distractions.  I will catch up with all of you again on or after the 26th of July.  Check out Meditation Retreat – Day 1 for more.

Notes to myself, afterwards…  Day 4 is done.  It started before sunrise this morning with my first “real” walking meditation.  This was a new experience for me, to have instruction through my headphones while standing, walking and lying down in sections.  All in all, it was such a great experience, finding my stride and meditating outdoors.  My time on the Te Araroa trail instantly came to mind and it felt so familiar and similar.  I miss the trail and my “active meditation” I have done while in the mountains, I really do…  I also discovered that I still miss another person as well unfortunately.  I managed to free myself from a couple of emotions today and it is time to start creating from within.  Stay with it Phil, you are not as bad as you think your are and there is still much to learn.  You can be anyone you choose to be.  Again, special thanks to the people around me today and Skylar, who coincidentally also waited in line to enter the ballroom this morning.  Your time, conversations and friendship are appreciated more than you can imagine.
-39.8175 – -104.7509 
23 July 2024

2 responses to “Meditation Retreat – Day 4.”

    • Dankie, dis baie sweet. Ek het baie in hierdie jaar op geoffer om hier te wees, so ek gaan nie net loop le^ nie. Ons het nounet ons laaste meditasie klaar gemaak en alles is nou oor en verby. Dit was baie spesiaal, verskriklik emosioneel.