Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

More trip planning.

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Trying to travel “light” during my upcoming trip, 
It is proving more difficult than expected, but I am trying to travel around the world with one piece of checked luggage.  Yes, simple you might think, but this includes the things I need for my meditation retreat in the USA as well as my paragliding equipment needed to fly in France and South Africa.  I am going to be away from home for three months…  
This feels almost like preparing my backpack for the Te Araroa, questioning the existence of every little thing I decided to carry with.  All items should have more than one purpose to an extent and my clothing needs to be tailored to the northern hemisphere summer, and South African winter.  The more I think about it, the more complex it seems, so I am getting down to “planning” again.  Just enough to make sure I remember everything but not too much to disregard my new year’s resolution and the three P’s.  No plan, purpose or pressure.
There are also complex travel insurance to sort out, lots of things to do surrounding the vehicle I am planning to ship from South Africa and then I need to make sure everything in NZ is taken care of as well.    
43.5323 – 172.5567
2 May 2024

2 responses to “More trip planning.”

  1. You managed to pack for your trail..
    You will manage this trip..
    You are an expert now!

    Vehicle to ship from SA?

    • True, but packing for the trail seems easy now, since I only had basic tasks to perform like eat, walk, eat sleep, repeat. It is good news that I do not have to travel around the world with my food as well. I am sure I will manage.

      The vehicle is a story for another day.