Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

Moturimu Shelter & Burttons Track – Day 64.

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Finding a rhythm in my walking, 
I actually didn’t had a bad night afterall… for sleeping in a hut that is. So many different people and each have their own way of doing things…  I shared the hut with two young french ladies, or should I say girls last night? They are very young, but enjoying the trail and their youth.  Most of the SOBO walkers I meet have in fact done more kilometers than I have done on the trail, but I am not sure if they are all that more experienced… hmmm 
I danced around a little to send my start message before hitting the road this morning, but I think I am starting to find my rhythm with this “walking” thing (again maybe).
The trail was in good condition for the first half of the day and I simply “sent it”, eating up the kilometers, like they were flying by. It was a good day on the trail today, not too many small up’s and down’s with only one large up towards the end of the day.
I arrived at the hut just after 2pm today. It is a very interesting place, or more like a shelter, with a curtain for a “door”. There is a family here too with their 4 children, ages 6 through to 13 (I think), on the TA Trail…  Wow, again the hamster has so many questions but this time it could observe the “mayhem” first hand. It seems like an awesome family, but man… busy, busy, busy… nothing ever stops. They have packed up their home and have made it more than halfway on this trail and nobody has killed off one of the others?  How is that possible?
Anyway… they seem very “cool”, all eating together, playing Uno together before bedtime in their sleeping bags and sleeping together… like a family.  It is also interesting to see how the parents interact with the children and discipline them. My hamster is going off his rails!
On a different topic, I was (what felt like) part of a reality show as well today. One person emptied her entire backpack in what is apparently called a “shakedown” while we all sat around and judged her as to what she should keep carrying and what she should send ahead or trash. It was fun, but I again realised how different we all are, how are priorities change and how we all have our luxury items and carry our own “cross”. What an experience… listening and witnessing all of this, comments from everyone and seeing it all unfold.
Best night EVER in a hut (or shelter), taking it all in.
Such a new experience spending time in a shelter, not hut… with a mixture of people tenting and staying here, 16 all together and I think 6 or 7 differentnationalities.  
40.5038 – 175.5834 
8 December 2024

4 responses to “Moturimu Shelter & Burttons Track – Day 64.”

  1. All round a good day for You it seems ‘-)
    Perhaps because you started off with Dancing aournd a little
    The tune Rythym is a Dancer by SNAP sprung to mind ‘-)

    I love the look of the HUT – looks like it invites good Karma in ..
    Perhaps why you had the “Best night EVER in a hut (or shelter)” with all the peeps and the shakedown ‘-)

    some stunning foudies ..

    • Don’t know that song, will have a listen… probably later today.
      It was certainly a night to remember, as well as people to remember too. I think there is a real opportunity there for an reality show, with sponsorship and everything. I can actually also see the money… hmmm.