Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

No more adventure.

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It is a rainy and grey day today, and a reflection of my feelings too, 
I met up with a friend for brunch, who is looking after Zane at the moment.  He is the cutest, most anxious, large breed dog that I have ever encountered.  Curious but not brave at all… LOL  It was good to get out, have a nice meal and partake in adult conversation for a change instead of the Hamster talking to himself in the mirror.  
After returning home, it was time for a little “stock take” of the time I have left before leaving on my trip. After looking at the weather forecast and taking my health into account, I believe adventure in NZ is over for this winter.  I don’t think I will make it back to Mt Hutt for another day on the slopes this year unfortunately, a decision that leaves me feeling a little sad, but it is what it is.  Time to put the skis away for the season and make sure the garage is tidy.  I still have half a box left to sort out from yesterday’s blog post, but for now it is sealed back up and waiting, hopefully not until the next house move.
Everything is really starting to seem “final” now.  If I see or remember something, I need to take care of it immediately, otherwise it will stay as-is until November. I am going to miss my place, my friends and my home in Christchurch.  
43.5323 – 172.5567
14 July 2024

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