Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

Oh no, Final day.

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Meditation Retreat – Day 7, 
It actually snuck up on me quicker than I thought.  Today was my final day at the Joe Dispenza, Denver 2024, week long, advanced retreat.  I have to be careful with my emotions today, it feels pretty big saying goodbye to all of “this” and so suddenly.  We started at 6:00 am with a meditation in the ballroom, followed by a great, outdoor walking meditation straight afterwards.  Getting a full night’s rest helped me to gather my focus again this morning.  After we had breakfast, there a was one more session before we had the final coherence healing meditation.  The coherence healing meditation was very emotional when I ended up sitting in a group around a 4-year old boy and his mom.  It was heartbreaking to hear his full story from his mother afterwards.  I feel very good about how I performed during the meditations today… the word that evoked the emotions today was “divine”, and I believe we are all a little divine.  
I made some notes here to remind me, and hold me accountable for the future…
1. Remember the effort I made to get here, mentally and physically.  So don’t just give it up, continue creating the future I want and spend time and effort to find a new job that fits into it.  Not the other way around and no excuses.
2. This week (and to an extent this year) is not the end, but the beginning of something new.  Time to take responsibility and own my life.
3. Catch those unconscious thoughts, tame the animal that is my body, forget the old “programs” and take charge of me.  No longer “living in survival” or “being a victim” or “creating from lack”.
4. Lead in love, be the change I want to see.  Remove all the obstacles between me and love.
5. Great opportunities are disguised as impossible problems, when it turns out to be the hardest – it matters the most.
I am going to commit to meditating every morning.  If I can overcome myself in the morning, everything else should be easy for the rest of the day.  I have to admit that I am not 100% into everything that Joe teaches, but I cannot deny that I feel like I am high on something… maybe high on life or love.  To answer the question “Will you get to meet a new Phil on the evening of the 26th of July?”  Well, I believe I am different and therefor new and looking forward to meet all of you.  Be unlimited.
-39.8175 – -104.7509 
26 July 2024

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