Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

Painting the fence (Another part).

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Yes, not sure if this is part 3 or 4 or 5 of many, 
Today I spent mostly outside, making a big effort on preparing the remaining section of the fence for painting.  One thing I like about my blog is the fact that I can go back and look at the past to help me remember… but in this case it is reminding me that I started this fence painting project more than a year ago.  Sigh… My first post about this was “DIY – Painting my fence at home (Part 1 of many)” on the 13th of January 2024.  How did this take so long?  Oh well, I dug up the bark sections at the bottom of the fence to expose the boards completely from the ground up.  Removed another “thing” or two in the garden, to make painting a little easier and then spent hours water blasting all the dirt and old paint off it. 
It is getting there… and hopefully once done I do not have to repeat this process anytime soon.  (<-crossing fingers)  My friend Clint is coming back from his international trip soon and I want everything to be ready so that he can help my paint.  It helps to have a “wingman” during the difficult sections of spray painting, to hold bushes, cover things, and pour paint… and he can help spray painting too with his gun.  Happy with my efforts, I am just in need of a good weather window now once the fence is completely dry.
Taking a break tonight on the couch after all this, I cannot help but to wonder about the hurt I cause.  (<- Yes, this sentence is present tense and I hate that.) (<-Yes, I also dislike using the word “hate”, but I honestly feel this way.)  Somehow I cannot seem to escape it… and I feel I should really be doing a deep dive on why it keeps happening and find the root cause.  I cannot keep on doing this.  Hurt, and more hurt and more destruction.  Ugh…  I feel like mould…  And there isn’t really anything I can say or do to change any of it…  Lots of … in this post.  Lots of thinking…  
43.5323 – 172.5567 
15 January 2025

4 responses to “Painting the fence (Another part).”

  1. Busy Busy Busy – You are!
    Good Luck Clint! “-)
    But I’m sure You two will have some “Funky Fun” “-)

    Makes me sad reading on how you are feeling “-(
    Hurt, Destruction and root cause ….all that – I think You are judging yourself way to hard Phil –
    thinking of You “-)

    • Perhaps you are correct, maybe I am judging myself too hard… but who else is going to do it if I do not? Someone needs to hold me accountable.

  2. Push the forward > button, not << replay. You can't change what has happened and don't let it impact what you do today.
    Maybe stop overthinking stuff and simplify life.
    You've got the intelligence, tenacity and capability to navigate whatever course you want from this point, so be positive and put the negative sh*t behind you.
    I'm sure you have an amazing future ahead.