Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

Preparing my gear, for the TA.

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Friends invited me for a walk to a hut this weekend, perfect opportunity to get ready, 
Well, I found my backpack and then assembled a search party to find all my TA walking stuff.  I know it is only for one day, but I might as well pack my TA bag so that I can test and prep for the trail.  How do I do this again??? Oh, yes, I have a spreadsheet I remember.  
Continued with the other tasks like TA planning, getting a jacket laundered and a quick stop at the grocery store.  Looks like tomorrow will be a wet one, but that is in true TA spirit, so will embrace the rain as long as the river crossings are bridges… (crossing fingers they are still there)
Then I know that “hate” is a very strong word I am reluctant to use anymore (because it normally signals emotions from the past), but I sometimes hate the universe.  Just when I think I have something good going, maybe going down a new road, the universe simply says NO.  Not today and not down this road buddy… I have different plans (that you wont understand till much later in the “game”).  Seriously, not even a small break?  Well, it is hard, but I need to change my state of being, forget about it and just continue in the present moment.  An idea that stood out in tonight’s meditation.  Also much easier said than done.  
43.5323 – 172.5567 
8 November 2024

4 responses to “Preparing my gear, for the TA.”

  1. I get knocked down, but I get up again. Another great song that came to mind when I was thinking about the endless stream of curve balls the universe continues to throw in all directions at all of us!
    We all get our fair share, and sometimes we let that become the focus or our efforts and thoughts, forgetting all the good stuff that’s happening or has happened. I’m just putting words together after thinking about what you are going through atm and not preparing what I’m writing.
    You’ve got this – well and truly!
    Just stop and think about what you have achieved in the last 300 days (and longer) and then give yourself a f**ng humongous pat on the back. You have achieved more than most people will achieve in their lifetimes, and I’m not blowing smoke up your rectum young man. (cut & paste and turn the volume right up)
    Kia kaha

    • Thank Cliff, back you know all too much what you are talking about from personal experience too. LOL, fisrt time I watched the music video for that song… great looking people that is… haha. Lets see where the next 300 days leads.

  2. “assembled a search party to find all my TA walking stuff” – LOL ..
    Of course you have a spreadsheet – how could you forget ..

    As you say much easier said than done ..
    I try not to think too much about it – but the Universe is most definitely/certainly very very harsh sometimes and even I battle to comprehend that one – most times ..
    Urghh is the word on this one today ..