Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

Pressing PAUSE.

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Back in Christchurch and after some thought, 
It was no easy decision to make, but I am going to step away from the TA for a little while.  There are lots of things to take into consideration, the season, the weather, time of year, eagerness to complete the trail, my abilities and and and.  BUT…  Looking back at yesterday, it could have played out in a thousand different ways, some better and some maybe not so good.  Yes, perhaps I did make a poor judgement call and should have stayed at Upper Deception Hut, but the bottom line is, it wasn’t fun.  
I set out with this year to have no plan, purpose or pressure and it seems the TA might have sneaked in under the radar into the area of all three.  I can continue to write here about the Hamster playing back my actions of yesterday in a million different scenario’s, but the fact of the matter was that I felt (however little) pressured to complete the TA.  Sure, some might call me a wussy after getting “kicked” be a river, but I have a pretty conservative risk appetite and the aim of the TA was always to have fun and enjoy the trip… not be anxious.
I have lots to do still here at home like getting things ready for my trip later in the year and I will still go flying and maybe do some day walks too.  My blog might not have the same level of adventure compared to the last couple of weeks, but I will continue to write everyday as promised.  A big thanks to all of you for the support and also to Clint that came to fetch me at Morrisons Footbridge yesterday without hesitation.  I made it 846km, over 49 days on the TA, and that is still something I am proud of AND I am not calling it done, just paused.     
43.5323 – 172.5567
18 April 2024

4 responses to “Pressing PAUSE.”

  1. Dit vat ‘guts’ om eerlik met jouself te wees as jy TE veel druk op jouself sit. Well done for picking that up.

  2. Ek glo dit was ‘n wyse besluit. Wat ‘n mens soms uit die oog verloor is dat ‘n bietjie reën in die berge ‘n massiewe afloop het. Die terrein is baie steil en onbedek. Ek kan net dink dat die water ysig koud is en dat dit nie ‘n plesier moet wees om halflyf daardeur te ploeter nie. Geniet jou verposing.