Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

Road walking to Bulls – Day 69.

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I want to add “Baby!” to the heading, but I am not so sure, 
After a great night in Feilding, I was up and took a little detour back into town.  It was Friday and apparently this is when everything is happening in town, so I visited the local farmers market on the square and went in search of breakfast.  I wish I didn’t had to carry everything, because that limits what a want to buy, vs. what I could buy.  Breakfast turned out to be a bust (with tomato) so parhaps that was the universe telling the Haaikie to “wing” or “fin” it and use some of those old chokkies he is hiding to fuel the fire today.  
Passed one more artwork before leaving “Friendly” Feilding… can you spot the imposters?
On my way eventually, and the primary hurdle for today was NOT becoming roadkill.  Some pieces were better than others with a bigger shoulder, but they all had one thing in common… surrounded by green fields of grass.
I stopped for lunch at Mt Lees around the halfway mark of today’s 25km and again later close to Ohakea Airforce base, to sit down safely and watch some of the action.  Four aircrafts were flying in formation, probably practicing for something and later two helicopters came flying in.  Even though I am not a citizen of New Zealand, I still feel proud of what is here, how it is administrated and the capability the airforce has.
Turned the corner, crossed State Highway 1 (<-Still my least favourite road in NZ) and suddenly I was in a town called Bulls.
I don’t know where the name comes from and frankly I was not too interested, busy in search of a late lunch and picking up supplies for the next two days.  Everything is bull oriented, even the public trash cans are old milk canisters labeled “Be a Respons-a-bull”.  The fire station has a sign… “Extinguis-a-bull” LOL which is kind of cool.  Anyway, made it to my accommodation for tonight about 2km outside of town. Tomorrow will be a looong day.
40.1768 – 175.3674 
13 December 2024

2 responses to “Road walking to Bulls – Day 69.”

  1. Breakfast turned out to be a bust (with tomato) – oh deary me – poor Haaikie!

    can you spot the imposters? – Yes the Sheep – LOL

    Take the Bull by the Horns like Pearl and Florrie – LOL

    NOT becoming roadkill – why is it that busy on your

    25km – Yo!