Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

SH94 to Te Anau – Day 12

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The end of a stint, 

Such a nice night with awesome people at Princhester Hut. I had the fire going to make it feel nice and homey, not too cold.

This morning it is a flat 6km of road walking to SH94 and then hitch hiking into Te Anau for a couple of days holiday and a resupply.  It feels weird and a little daunting facing up to cellphone reception and society again, and sad because it seem I am stepping away from the trail.  I had to reassure myself that this is not the end of the TA.

Soon the first signs of civilisation, a bridge, and trust me, the true TA does not do many of these. Followed by the road, gates, cattle stops and livestock. In true NZ generosity, I hold out my thumb on SH94 and the first car stops to give me a free lift into Te Anau. Thanks NZ.
45.4244 – 167.7207
18 February 2024

2 responses to “SH94 to Te Anau – Day 12”

  1. Holding out your thumb to indicate that you are looking for a ride will not work in South Africa any more. Here you must hold out some form of currency to indicate that your are willing to pay for the ride. Glad there are still places where people are willing to offer help without looking for some form of payment.