Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

Sightseeing in Chamonix.

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Just being a tourist, 
Today my hosts had some business to take care of in Chamonix, about 1.5 hours drive here from Annecy.  I was invited to come along and be a tourist in the little adventure town at the foot of Mont Blanc where the tunnel starts and go through to Italy.  I have been in this area before, but never to Chamonix itself to be exact, and WOW, the mountains here are impressive.  We started the day taking the ski-lift up to Planpraz at 2000m of elevation, about 2/3 way up the maintain to go see the paragliding launch site and admire the view.  
The views from here were impressive and such a nice day to be in France.  Not too hot, borderline 30 degrees C with a light breeze.  We watched the paragliders launch for a little while, but we did not had plans to join them today.
Afterwards, we went back down into the town for some coffee and a stroll through the shops while my hosts took care of their things.  I am so privileged to be here, experience this and be so relaxed.  This is the ultimate way to experience the French Alps.
We only ended up getting back after 5pm to Annecy and a little late to try get up the mountain here for a flight.  After a quick bite to eat, I strolled down to the local swimming spot for a dip to cool down and a read until the shadow of the mountain came over.  I don’t know what to say, how to truly describe this place and how I feel.  The meditation word abundant comes to mind a lot… and happy is far away in the rearview mirror.  
43.5323 – 172.5567
5 August 2024

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