Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

So much to do.

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And the list seems to keep growing, 
Looking after myself today, going for a massage, because my body is not taking the trip as well as my mind. The Hamster is doing well and I think the purpose of my trip is delivering when it comes to the expectation of the Hamster.  The Haaikie on the other hand is not impressed, having to shed some bodyweight and then my body is not as young as I would like it to be anymore.   
Need to go shopping to fill the refrigerator too, buy some vitamin C’s and make preparations to host some friends tomorrow night for a braai.  I have to return a faulty piece of equipment and start looking at the garden too.  Boring and busy.
Another thing on the list is to update my wall map and print some photo’s from my trip.  Finished the update, to show the Southland piece of the TA that I completed, still need to add the photo’s.
43.5323 – 172.5567
1 March 2024

2 responses to “So much to do.”

  1. Ek wonder net. Na die eerste been van jou tog. Is daar iets wat jy anders sou doen met jou volgende ekspedisie? Moontlike opgradering of verandering van toerusting, klere of voedsel?
    Sterkte met jou beplanning vir jou volgende tog.
    Wat die lysies betref. Lyk my die ou spreekwoord is tog waar: “Old habits die hard.”

    • Johan
      In verband met toerusting, kos en klere op die staptog verander daar nie baie nie. Ek het darem al ‘n paar jaar se veelvoudige dae staptogte agter die rug om te weet wat werk vir my. Daar is hier en daar klein goedjies wat verander, miskien probeer ek iets nuut maar dit is klein en min.
      Dis grootste verandering in die volgende tog is dat ek fokus meer op die verblyf en waar ek oorslaap, as die actual stap deur die dag.