Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

Social Saturday.

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A busy Saturday… how did I manage to fit employment into my life? 
Achieved the almost unthinkable, got myself out of bed this morning, in time to join the ParkRun again.  C&C joined the ParkRun too with their cute dog Xena.  From the start of the race I was treated by Xena as “Rusty” (The mechanical rabbit they use to lure the greyhound dogs into racing.) and was politely ask/motivated to pick up the pace.  I managed to improve my time overall, but had to walk a little section towards the end, so I still have lots of work to do.  After the run there was time for a hot beverage on the beach to catchup with C&C as well.  <–Turns out they are going to help me with a landscaping project.
For lunch, I joined some new friends at a fancy-ish coffee shop, 20min outside of Christchurch.  The group calls themselves “over 40” so I technically qualify to join, but found their are lots of numbers that comes after 40.  Nevertheless, I had a good time and a great piece of carrot cake, so I got to eat my vegetable quota for the day.
Then, rugby… yes I went (as a spectator) to a live rugby match, Crusaders vs The Reds here in Christchurch with Clint.  I had to think back when was the last time I watch rugby live… 2012, no it might actually have been 2010.  Nuweland in Cape Town, WP (Western Province) vs the Sharks.  We were a lot of friends together, doing the complete “Nuweland” experience, starting with the braai and drinks in the morning on the school field adjacent to the stadium.  Boerewors rolletjies, face painting, good seats at the game, marriage proposal during halftime, shouting “WP – jou lekka ding!” and the crazy traffic getting back home.  Good times, lots of memories.  Well not so good times for the Crusaders today, who played a good game, but lost unfortunately in the end.
43.5323 – 172.5567
4 May 2024

4 responses to “Social Saturday.”

  1. Wilhelm sê die foto van jou maak n statement. Lyk asof jy gesag het. Die volgende taak is politiek toe.

    • Jean, daar was ‘n bietjie “gesag” in my, gesag dat my telefoon ‘n mooi foto neem sonder filters en stuff. Ek post nie baie foto’s van myself nie, vir baie redes, maar wou seker maak die een lyk goed. Ek is van baie goed onseker in my lewe en baie van dit het te doen moet wat ek wil doen as ‘n werk, maar politiek is ‘n sekerheid NEE. In hoofletters met ‘n punt agterna. Groete

    • Reading this post again, okay, I can see why the giggles. There are actually a lot of memories about that Nuweland day locked up in here. Wow, a different time.