Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

Staying at Roses Hut.

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As predicted, the weather turned, 
This morning was bitterly cold, even inside the hut, and rain showers came in overnight. The wind was howling and it didn’t look pleasant outside. Snow was predicted down to 1600m, so if I were to cross the two 1250m saddles I have planned today, it is going to be cold, miserable and in sleet showers. I decided swiftly to stay “home”.
The picture is from the morning after, in fine weather by the way.
I read one of the books left behind in the hut and finished it if I might add. Nice to read uninterrupted except to make some Rooibos tea. I also read the intentions book in the hut… interesting people and interesting things they say and share. (For those who don’t know, ever person visiting a hut in NZ, should sign the intentions book, saying who they are, from where they are and their intentions, should Search and Rescue need it) Matt Jordan said earlier in March, “be present, be kind, just be..” followed by “There is magic in the suffering.” I don’t know him, but I think we would get alone well. Soon people start arriving from other places and listening to their stories, I was glad that I stayed put. Tomorrow is another day.
44.8044 – 168.8626
15 March 2024

2 responses to “Staying at Roses Hut.”

  1. I like what Matt Jordan has to say..

    Happy that you listened to your “inner” self and stayed put…
    Like you say… Tomorrow’s another day “-)

    • Urvi, ja, soos ek sê, ek dink dat ek en Matt oor die weg sal kom. Jip, ek het nou al geleer dat my besluitneming op die trail nie te bad is nie.