Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

Surprised at how things turn out.

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Surrender your vision and plan, 
It is part of the meditation “training” I am doing at the moment, creating from this present moment, a vision and plan for the future while not paying too much attention to the small stuff.  Then, with this clear intention and an elevated emotion (how it will feel when it happens), surrender it to the universe.  You don’t need to work out the how or understand the step by step path, simply trust.  
I cannot share all the details of what happened here on this open forum, but a couple of months back I completely surrendered a “problem” I have been battling with since 2020.  It was a longstanding issue that I simply could not resolve after multiple attempts over the last couple of years.  In the end it seemed like the effort in resolving the situation outweighed the potential rewards, even though it did feel unfair towards me and other parties involved.
To cut a looong story sort… Today, while checking up on something else completely unrelated, I discovered that this problem I described in the paragraph above, was resolved… in February.  The outcome exceeded all my expectation and another thing is “closed” and crossed off the list of things to do.  This resolution also comes at just the right time to help resolve other obstacles I have been trying to clear lately.  As Lucille once said to me, I need to realise and step out of the way, just let the universe run its course.      
43.5323 – 172.5567
1 May 2024

2 responses to “Surprised at how things turn out.”

  1. It is pretty surreal when we just allow the universe to flow..
    Easier said than done though “-)

    One step at a time P..

    • Just like you said it, “Easier said than done though”. Not easy to relinquish all control… but remember that a clear vision is still required.