Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

Welcome to Europe.

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Landed in Germany, and the authorities decided that I am allowed to stay, 
Yes, after a couple of unexpected and strange questions at the border, I am in Frankfurt International Airport this morning, waiting for my connection flight to Geneva.  I must admit, NOT feeling all that great with the lack of sleep and this scratchy throat of mine just doesn’t seem to go away.  I hope my time next to lake Annecy will take care of it before I visit my other friends and going to South Africa in winter.  
I know the construction guys did not do this intentionally, but these are quite interesting courtesy carts for an airport in the picture above.  I found an quiet space at Frankfurt airport next to a broken elevator to take a little break from all the people.  Made my connection flight to Geneva and slept for most of the way… I was just so exhausted.
After landing at Geneva, I collected all my luggage (thank you to the universe) and caught a bus to central Annecy.  From here I couldn’t deal with public transport anymore and decided to call a taxi to take me to my final destination in Lathuile, to my friend’s place.  Just check out that view!  The hills are (most certainly) alive in the French Alps.  After a shower and dinner with my hosts, a took a stroll down to the lake, just to introduce myself (LOL) before heading back and welcoming a well deserved rest.  So glad I am here and looking forward to my stay.
43.5323 – 172.5567
29 July 2024